
请使用 首次使用用户 登录页面的链接. 你需要输入你的学生证,出生日期, 以及社保号的最后四位. 匹配成功后,系统将显示 输入用户名,然后设置密码. 点击 在这里 获取逐步设置指南.
您必须是在校学生或在职员工,并持有学生证. 如果你是新来的 student, please make sure that your admissions application has been accepted (it could 创建电子邮件帐户最多需要30分钟). 否则请加倍 check that you have entered your correct 十大正规网赌软件 Student ID, date of birth, and the last 4位您的社会安全号码,没有空格. 最靠谱的网赌软件出生日期,请确保你 enter it in the following format and include the slashes: MM/DD/YYYY). 如果你是 sure about the information you entered, please contact 计算机服务 (see Contact 我们在右边一列).
T在这里 are plenty of companies that offer free email accounts such as Google (Gmail), 雅虎,而微软(前景).
您的帐户已经设置好了. 如果你确定你没有这样做, please contact 计算机服务 immediately (see Contact 我们在右边一列).
Your Username is your 十大正规网赌软件 email address (with or without 的@kingpaq.com域). If 如果您不知道十大正规网赌软件的邮箱地址,请使用 忘记了用户名 登录页面上的链接来检索它. 你将被要求核实一些信息 去取回它. If you have previously set up a secondary email address in the Account Recovery Settings, you can also use the 忘记了用户名 link after you 单击 Forgot 密码的链接.
如果是第一次使用本系统,请使用 首次使用用户 登录页面的链接. 你需要输入你的学生证,出生日期, 以及社保号的最后四位. 否则,如果您已经设置了您的帐户 恢复设置,请使用 忘记了密码 登录页面的链接. 成功输入用户名后(必须关闭) 的@kingpaq.com域), you will choose a recovery method you have previously set up (i.e. 安全问题、电子邮件或短信).


♦  Not contain the 用户's account name or parts of the 用户's full name that exceed 两个连续字符
包含至少一个大写字母(A ~ Z)
♦至少包含一个小写字母(a ~ z)
♦至少包含一个数字(0 ~ 9)
♦包含至少一个特殊字符(例如, !, $, #, %)
♦ Contain any Unicode character that is categorized as an alphabetic character but 不是大写还是小写. 这包括来自亚洲语言的Unicode字符.
 180天(≈6个月). 您将有机会在30天内更改密码 在过期日期之前. 登录到门户后,您将看到一条通知 带有重置密码的链接. 它将首先提示您输入用户名(e.g. Jd0012),但不包括@nmjc.Edu在最后. 您的帐户恢复选项 将在下一个出现.
For security purposes, after 5 failed login attempts, your account will remain locked 持续15分钟. 如果您需要立即帮助,请联系计算机 服务电话:575.492.2500或电子邮件 tbirdwebsupport@kingpaq.com.
不,它将不与域名在您的用户名结束工作. 例如,如果 您的电子邮件地址是zzz9999@kingpaq.com,您需要使用zzz9999作为用户名 登录.
You will be logged out of the following systems: Email, Self-Service Banner, and Rave. 然而, this will also expire your current T-BirdWeb门户 SSO session, which will prevent any future single sign-on attempts until you sign back in. 你不会 logged out of the following: Canvas, Brainfuse, Online System, Evisions, Banner (INB), 或开放大学校园.
In the Dashboard, click on the drop-down arrow next to your name and 单击 Logout link. If you have any other applications open in the other tabs or browsers, please 登出并关闭浏览器.
是的, multiple sessions will not cause a break-in attempt from different computers 和/或浏览器. 然而, t在这里 are other systems, such as Self-Service Banner, that 不允许多个连接并超时.
非活动时段为60分钟(1小时). 你将收到警告 当你还剩5分钟的时候.
初次登录后,如果您退出某些系统(例如.g. 自助横幅) afterwards or your activity has been limited, your session may become stale. 然而, this will not affect any other systems you are currently logged into, only the systems 之后你尝试发射.
When something like this occurs, it is best to close your browser and try again. If 它继续发生,请 清除浏览器缓存.
The My Account is fetching all the required data to verify all of your settings. 有时 t在这里 is a slight delay, so just give it a few more seconds and it will become available.
这是一层额外的安全措施. 这可以防止别人访问您的帐户 设置,如果您忘记退出您的帐户.
It will take a few minutes to reflect password changes on all of our servers involved. 但是,您的新密码将立即生效. 这也会影响单点登录 发到你的邮箱. We strongly suggest that you log out of the system and then log back 输入你的新密码.
If you have Canvas bookmarked (aka favorites), please update the URL from http://nmjc.instructure.com/login/ldap 到http://nmjc.等等.com.
是的. Please keep in mind that when you update your password in the T-BirdWeb门户 系统,您还需要在移动设备上更新它。. 我们一步一步地 tutorials for both iOS (iPhone X) and Android (Samsung Galaxy S8) phones. 点击 在这里 了解更多信息. 观看iPhone X视频
当登录到您的十大正规网赌软件电子邮件帐户时,单击 齿轮图标 (位于右上角),然后单击 选项. On the left hand side, if necessary, expand the Mail section by clicking the arrow 在它的左边. 点击 收件箱和扫描规则. 在section下面, 收件箱规则,单击该规则,然后单击 垃圾桶图标 在其上方的工具栏上删除它,然后单击 OK.
The 十大正规网赌软件 Online System is a homegrown application that we are slowly phasing out and 它目前支持单点登录. 然而,当你第一次启动它时 time, it will ask for your credentials and save them for future sessions. 如果你改变了 your password, you can clear the previous credentials by clicking on the 齿轮图标 located in the upper right hand corner of the button and then click Clear Credentials. You will then need to relaunch the application and it will prompt you to enter the 正确的用户名和密码.
请关闭浏览器并重试.如果您正在访问T-BirdWeb门户网站 快捷方式或书签,请确保URL为http://sso.kingpaq.com. 如果你是 not accessing it via a shortcut or bookmark and still get the same message, simply close your browser (on a Mac, make sure you quit the application and not just clicking 红色的X),然后重试. 点击 在这里 to watch a video on how to add a custom icon and shortcut (on the iPhone) to the T-BirdWeb门户 without getting the login failed issue because of the URL redirect.
请删除nmjc.从兼容性视图设置中。edu. 点击齿轮图标 located in the upper right hand corner and then click Compatibility View settings. 点击kingpaq.com在你添加的网站中.. 框,然后单击“删除”. 点击 关闭. Please be aware that Internet Explorer is no longer supported and we strongly 建议您使用Edge、Chrome或Firefox.
点击 在这里 b谷歌认证器文档.
Our system uses MFA (Multi-factor Authenication), which adds another layer of security 记在你的账上. Basically, you will need to present another piece of evidence when you sign in to your account for the first time and/or if suspicious activity is detected. Suspicious activity can be logging in from a different location and/or different device/browser 比你最初核实的要多. 要防止在受信任的设备上发生这种情况,请确保 单击 信任这个设备 复选框.
请检查您的垃圾邮件或垃圾邮件文件夹. 如果你还是看不出来 请将文件夹列入白名单或安全名单 noreply@kingpaq.com.

信息  最靠谱的网赌软件

电子邮件支持: tbirdwebsupport@kingpaq.com